Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 20/06/2017 -  22/06/2017  (Finished)
Cycle: Annually
Location: Moscow  Russia
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
+49 (0)211 456001
+49 (0)211 4560668
Stockumer Kirchstr. 61 40474 Düsseldorf, Germany
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
INTERPLASTICA is organized by the German exhibition company D ü sseldorf, which has long been famous in the plastic exhibition industry. due to the full support of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation Government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Government, the Moscow Municipal Government, and the Russian Chemical Association, as well as the mature operation mode and far-reaching market influence of Dusseldorf Exhibition Company, INTERPLASTICA has become one of the most influential plastic industry exhibitions in the CIS countries. The exhibition has successfully built a communication platform for the Russian plastics industry. For local and surrounding plastic machinery buyers, participating in this exhibition every year has become a necessary way for them to understand the development information of the industry and get in touch with new technologies. Get to know new manufacturers and consider updating equipment. Exhibitors grow steadily every year, and the vast majority of exhibitors list this exhibition as a must-visit exhibition every year, and have achieved very good results. Chinese products have opened up a market in the Russian market, and Russian businessmen have known and understood Chinese enterprises. The active participation of Chinese enterprises has also become a bright spot of the exhibition and an important factor in attracting more buyers to visit. "the price of Chinese products is low, and the quality and service are getting better and better. compared with European and American products, it is easier to recover costs and generate profits ahead of time"-- it has become the consensus of the audience participating in this exhibition. Guangzhou outreaching Trading Co., Ltd., as the Chinese partner of the global plastics exhibition, will continue to organize Chinese enterprises to participate in the exhibition in 2017, and will provide professional services for more Chinese rubber and plastic enterprises. We will be honored to have you here.
Product Groups
1. Machinery and equipment for the plastics and rubber industry: pre-processing, recycling machinery and equipment, processing machinery and equipment, post-processing machinery, decoration, printing and marking machinery and equipment, welding machines, moulds, auxiliary equipment, measurement, control and testing
2. Equipment, parts and components;
3. Raw materials and accessories;
4. Plastic and rubber products;
5. Logistics: material handling in plastic and rubber industry;
6. Services of plastic and rubber industry: plastic injection molding machine, automatic filling and sealing machine, plastic dryer, twin-screw extruder, plastic packaging machine, plastic braiding machine, plastic pipe production line, plastic mold and die, plastic powder feeder foaming / reaction or reinforced resin equipment, automatic bottle blowing machine, hollow plate extruder, special shaped material injection molding machine, PET special extruding machine, Rubber raw material casting film (sheet) machine packaging machinery printing machinery, blow molding and injection molding machinery, water chillers, processing equipment, extrusion equipment, processing aids, recovery equipment, various materials, etc.

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