Jiacheng plastic machinery co.,ltd
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Company Introduction
Jiacheng plastic machinery co.,ltd
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Taizhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Taizhou No.895,Erhuan West Road, Huangyan, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China
Main Products:plastics machine
Company Overview

Taizhou huangyan jiacheng plastic machinery Co.,Ltd. is located in the home and be well-known, far and near the "China mold town" of Huangyan. Huangyan is located in the middle of Gold Coast in Zhejiang line, south wing of the Shanghai economic zone; domestic industry developed, convenient transportation, good molding productinon environment. 
Company specializing in the production of 12-1000kg plastic dry; 50-10000kg plastic color mixing machine; 2HP-6HP; water/air-cooled chiller, chiller; 6KW-24KW water type, oil type mold temperature machine, high mold temperature machine; automatic suction machine of 300-900G vacuum type; 180-1400 type plastic crusher,The products ha passed ISO9001:2008 international quality system certification and European CE certification. Its excellent quality products, advanced technology, value-for-money prices, high credibility of the after sale service, won the customer's recognition and praise. And exported to the Middle East, Southeast Asia, South America and other countries and regions. 
Active face twentieth Century the changing business environment; pay great attention to the talents of enterprise; the most competitive enterprises; widely industry positively and the constant pursuit of perfection of the enterprise; let us work together to make it work.
Looking to the future, infinite Jiacheng. Jiacheng are confident of your choice, always look forward to your support!

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