Changzhou Desheng Mould Factory
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Automatic belling machine DS800/DS1000 887 Favorites

Product Categories: PVC Single/Double-wall Corrugated Pipe Machine
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Changzhou Desheng Mould Factory
Company type: Manufacturer Credit:
Main products: Belling Machine

Model DS800 DS1000
Model DS800 DS1000
Pipe Diameter 500mm - 800mm 630mm - 1000mm
Pipe Length 3m - 6m 3m - 6m
Oven One heating oven, semi-enclosed heated,Stainless steel heating tube with a heat sink One heating oven, semi-enclosed heated,Stainless steel heating tube with a heat sink
Pipe Rotary Clockwise and anti-clockwise Clockwise and anti-clockwise
Heating Power 58KW 70KW
Compressed air pressure 0.6Mpa 0.6Mpa
Water pressure 0.4Mpa 0.4Mpa
Hydraulic pressure 8.0MPa 8.0MPa
U-type Pushing the mould into pipe directly Pushing the mould into pipe directly
R-type With ext - pressure and collapsible mandrel With ext - pressure and collapsible mandrel
Cooling type Water - cooling Water - cooling
Machine speed 1000S to 3000S 1200S to 5000S
Mould material U-type:45# steel with Cr electroplating R-type:The collapsible parts are 3Cr13 and 40Cr, other parts 45# steel with Cr electro-plating U-type:45# steel with Cr electroplating R-type:The collapsible parts are 3Cr13 and 40Cr, other parts 45# steel with Cr electro-plating
Total power 80KW 90KW
Machine weight 8000KG 10000KG
Machine dimension 9650mm(L)×4200mm(W)×2500mm(H) 2*40GP 10000mm(L)×4600mm(W)×2570mm(H) 2*40GP

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