Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Fakuma 2017
Date: 17/10/2017 -  21/10/2017  (Finished)
Cycle: Two Sessions In Three Years
Location: Augsburg  Germany
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG
Gustav-Werner-Straße 6 D - 72636 Frickenhausen
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
German Plastics Industry Exhibition Fakuma is one of the world-famous plastic processing industry exhibitions. It was first held in 1981. After 31 years of development, it has grown into a well-known professional exhibition in the industry. The exhibition covers raw materials for plastic processing to production machinery, and well-known enterprises in the industry have chosen to release new technologies and products at the exhibition, which has also become a platform for exhibitors to exchange and learn international excellent science and technology. The exhibition will be held in Frederick Port, near the borders of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, the second largest city on the banks of the Borden Lake and the economic center of the Borden Lake, where many large German industrial companies such as MTU Friedrichshafen, Zaifu are located.
Product Groups
Raw materials: rubber and plastic related raw materials; ancillary materials; raw materials, compounds, auxiliaries, additives, etc.
Processing and recycling machines and equipment: processing and recovery equipment, dust particle collection equipment, granulator, mixer, other mixers, powder compaction tools, recovery hardware equipment, recovery extrusion equipment, melting filter, plastic grinder.
Extruder, extruder: extruder for rubber, extruder for lamination and feeding, extruder for pipe, other extruding equipment, etc.
Injection molding equipment: plastic injection molding machine, rubber injection molding machine, hot post-plastic injection molding machine, other injection molding machine, etc.
Blowing equipment: extrusion blowing machine, injection blowing machine, other blowing machine, etc.
Pressure equipment: compression, transfer die pressing and extruding briquette pressure equipment, other pressure equipment, plasticizing equipment for molding mixing, etc.
Manufacture and handle resin reflector: other foam machines, injection molding reaction equipment, foam machine parts, coil winding machine, etc.
Processing equipment: processing machines, bag making machines, grinding machines, laser processing machines, cutting machines, longitudinal cutting machines, thermoforming machines, coil machines, etc.
Welding machines; industrial spare parts; measurement and control systems; completion, and half-process industrial supplies: rubber and plastic accessories; all kinds of materials; covering equipment, containers, etc.

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