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Date Posted:2024-04-13

Transparent Chair Mould

Buyer: Mr Azeem
Country / Region: India
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I wanna buy plastic mould, give me your contact
Categories:Injection Mould
Date Posted:2024-04-13

Heat Shrink Packaging Machine

Buyer: Mr Gul Ishaq
Country / Region: United States
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for Samie packing machine
Categories:Packing Machine
Buyer: Mr Chyngyz
Country / Region: Kyrgyzstan
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now My customer buys screw barrel for PVC pipe equipment,model: SJZ-55/110
Categories:Extruder & Screw
Date Posted:2024-04-12

Plastic Injection Mold Machine

Buyer: Mr Wilhelm
Country / Region: Namibia
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Molds for washing pegs and cutlery
Categories:Injection Machine
Date Posted:2024-04-12

Waste Recycling Machine

Buyer: Mr Jose Ruben Bastidas Gonzalez
Country / Region: Ecuador
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now hi, I am only interested in machinery for the plastic waste recycling process. If you could put me in touch with someone I would greatly appreciate it.
Date Posted:2024-04-11

1000 Ton Haitian Injection Machine

Buyer: Mr Mina Said
Country / Region: Egypt
1 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now I am looking for 1000 Ton Haitian Injection Machine
Categories:Injection Machine
Date Posted:2024-04-09

HDPE Duct Making Machine

Buyer: Mr Chris
Country / Region: Nigeria
2 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Good day Sir/ Madam, We are from Solutronworks Nigeria Limited and we are in the Telecoms Industry in Nigeria. We are looking to buy up to 5 units of HDPE Duct Making Machine that can produce between 150km and 300km of HDPE DUCTS PER DAY. The specification of ducts the machines can produce are as follows: 1) 40/33mm HDPE DUCTS (40mm outer HDPE Duct diameter and 33mm inner HDPE Duct diameter) 2) 30mm HDPE OUTER HDPE Duct Diameter Also let us know if you sell the PVC making machines. Thank you. Kind regards, Chris Eguaibor Managing Director
Categories:Pipe Machinery
Date Posted:2024-04-09

Toothbrush Injection Machine

Buyer: Mr Zakir Hossain
Country / Region: Bangladesh
0 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Fully automatic toothbrush making machine & profusion profile details with capacity and price
Categories:Injection Machine
Date Posted:2024-04-09

PP Sheet Extrusion Machine

Buyer: Mr Fukuda
Country / Region: Thailand
3 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now Hi, we are a packaging manufacturer in Thailand and looking for PP sheet extrusion machine. Material: PP, PS, PE Product width: Around 1000mm Thickness: Around 0.15 to 1.0mm Thickness tolerance: Please advise yours Screw Dia., L/D, Out put (kg/hr): Please advise yours. Others: Please advise HS Code and Form E will be necessary. Waiting for your quotation at FOB China and the specification sheet Regards, Fukuda
Categories:Sheet/Profile Machinery
Date Posted:2024-04-08

Blow Bottle Machine

Buyer: Ms Joshua Halls
Country / Region: Trinidad and Tobago
1 | 10 Availability
Detailed Requirement: Quote Now One that blows 500 bottles per hour semi automatic
Categories:Blow Molding Machine
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