Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 07/03/2017 -  11/03/2017  (Finished)
Cycle: Biannual
Location: Goyang  Korea
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The Korea International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition 2015 (KOPLAS 2015), sponsored by Korea E&EX Company, will be held at the KINTEX International Exhibition Center in Korea. In 2015, a total of 317 exhibitors from 32 countries around the world exhibited plastic and rubber machinery. The exhibition area of molds and other products, as well as a series of applications from product design to cutting-edge technology, has reached 213.84 million square meters, including 131Korean exhibitors, 70 Chinese exhibitors, 1 Hong Kong, China, 9 Taiwan, 50 Germany, 40 in Japan, 39 in the United States, 13 in the United Kingdom, 13 in Switzerland, 24 in Italy, 5 in France, 3 in India, 3 in Thailand and so on. The audience reached 89910, including 2074 overseas buyers.
Also held at the same time are Korea International Mould and related equipment Exhibition (INTERMOLD KOREA 2015) and Korea International Air conditioning Refrigeration Exhibition (HARFKO), with an exhibition area of 76000 square meters, 4000 booths and 900 exhibitors. At present, there are more than 4000 plastic and rubber enterprises in South Korea, with an annual market size of 5 billion US dollars, maintaining a continuous upward momentum every year. Recently, the export volume of automobile, home appliances and other industries has greatly increased, and various industries are committed to reducing human resources costs, improving technical content, and realizing production automation, so as to enhance international competitiveness. In this process, it is bound to increase investment in all kinds of equipment. With the development of Korean plastics industry, the scale of Korea International Plastics Exhibition is growing day by day. I believe it will become the best stage for your company to expand its business strength. Welcome to this exhibition and get more information through this exhibition.
Product Groups
Rubber and plastic machinery: injection molding machine, hollow molding machine, extruder, film blowing machine, casting equipment, braiding machine, rubber machine, mixing equipment, Calendering equipment, etc.
Auxiliary machines: plastic auxiliary machinery, manipulator, plastic and rubber recovery equipment, testing equipment, post-processing equipment, instruments;
Raw materials: plastic and rubber raw and auxiliary materials, auxiliaries and semi-finished products, inks, particles, adhesives, etc.
Packaging and printing equipment: plastic packaging equipment, plastic printing equipment, flexible packaging processing equipment, etc.
Mold: all kinds of plastic processing moulds, tire moulds, spare parts and other production equipment.

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