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Complaint and Advice
Plastic Pakistan2017
Date: 01/08/2017 -  03/08/2017  (Finished)
Venue: 2nd Floor, Business Centre Mumtaz Hassan Road, Karachi-74000, Pakistan
Cycle: Annually
Location: Karachi  Pakistan
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
Plasti&Pack is the highest level and most influential professional B2B exhibition in Pakistan. 2016 exhibition statistics: the 2016 exhibition gathered 193 exhibitors from more than 14 countries, covering an exhibition area of 8000 square meters. exhibitors come from China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Turkey and other countries and regions, with more than 11000 professional visitors. 69% of the exhibitors received orders at the exhibition site, and 81% of the exhibitors were very satisfied with the results of the exhibition. PLASTI&PACK 2016 will bring an excellent platform for industry exchange and product display for colleagues in the plastics industry again.
Product Groups
Plastic and rubber: plastic raw materials: petrochemical raw materials, color masterbatch, auxiliaries, plastic processing, injection blowing moulds, pressing moulds, extruders, injection molding machines, bottle blowing machines, recycling machines, testing instruments, etc.
Printing and packaging: converter, laminating machine, printing press, winding cutting equipment, flexible packaging film, adhesive, labeling machine, packaging paper, software services, etc.

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