Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 24/03/2017 -  26/03/2017  (Finished)
Cycle: Annually
Location: Lahore  Pakistan
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
3P Pakistan 2017 is a UFI Approved event. It is a product of significant collaboration among top players from the plastic, printing and packaging industries of Pakistan. Being its fastest growing economic sectors, these areas have gained enormous popularity from international players who are seeking for business opportunities in this part of the globe. 3P PAKISTAN 2017 is therefore committed to build new as well as stronger business alliances between Pakistan and the rest of the world through an interactive showcase of cutting-edge tools and equipment, synergy of allied services for more networking opportunities and, most importantly, quality attendance of trade visitors from international and regional countries. Being organized at Expo Centre Lahore, 3P Pakistan 2017 promises another breakthrough international trade event that would serve as a benchmark for future industry showcases.
Product Groups
Plastic machinery and equipment: Injection molding machine, film blowing machine, plastic calender, hollow blow molding machine, plastic molding machine, plastic granulation. Machine, plastic extruder, plastic machine auxiliary machine, other plastic machinery, feeding regenerative crusher, film drawing machine, foaming equipment.
Rubber machinery and equipment: rubber cutting machine, rubber extruder, mixer, rubber granulator, rubber cutting machine, vulcanizing tank, rubber laminating machine, rubber molding machine, rubber setting machine, rubber joint machine, vulcanizing machine, desulphurization machine, bag making machine, rubber calender.
Rubber and plastic processing equipment and quality testing instruments, various plastic products and plastic films, chemical raw materials for rubber and plastic processing, auxiliaries and auxiliary materials, rubber and plastic processing moulds and accessories, rubber and plastic products.
Packaging machinery and equipment: Vacuum packaging machine, paste box machine, bag making machine, filling, filling, sealing, box sealing, labeling machinery, packaging machinery, daily chemical packaging machinery, plastic flexible packaging equipment, pharmaceutical packaging machinery, plastic machinery, various die-cutting tool accessories, corrugated honeycomb cardboard equipment, carton machinery, carton, paper tape, pulp co-extrusion composite, stretch blowing film, foamed sheet, cardboard cylinder, aluminum foil aluminum, adhesive tape.
Printing machinery and equipment: Offset press, plate making equipment, die-cutting machine, printing machine, trademark printing machine, scanner, paper cutting machine, binding machine, laminating machine, folding machine, veneer, indentation machine, bronzing machine, embossing machine, gravure machine, screen printing machine, business card printing machine, screen printing technology and equipment, code printing technology and equipment.

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