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Eurasia Packaging 2017 Istanbul
Date: 25/10/2017 -  28/10/2017  (Finished)
Venue: Turkey TUYAP Congress Expo Center
Cycle: Annually
Location: Istanbul  Turkey
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
Turkey International Packaging Industry Exhibition was founded in 1995 and has a history of nearly 22 years. It is the oldest professional packaging industry exhibition in Turkey. The exhibition has been recognized by the Global Exhibition Association (UFI certification) and supported by the Turkish Packaging Industry Association. It is the most ideal way for Chinese packaging enterprises to enter the Turkish market. Turkey International Packaging Industry Exhibition is held once a year. A total of 1141 companies and 37 countries participated in the exhibition in 2016. During the four-day exhibition, more than 55704 professionals from 94 countries visited the exhibition. The conference opened 12 exhibition halls with a total area of 110000 square meters. < br >. In addition, the exhibition also attracted 55704 visitors from 94 countries, including 39% from the food industry, 19.5% from the beverage industry, 12% from the printing industry, 6% from the chemical industry, 4% from the medical industry, 4% from the cleaning industry, and 79% of the company's policy makers such as shareholders and general managers. 92% of the exhibitors were satisfied with the Turkish International Packaging Machinery and Food processing Exhibition.
Product Groups
Packaging machinery and accessories: vacuum packaging machine, box pasting machine, bag making machine, filling, filling, sealing, box sealing, labeling machinery, plastic flexible packaging equipment, plastic machinery, various die-cutting accessories, pharmaceutical processing and other industrial pharmaceutical packaging machinery;
Corrugated honeycomb paperboard equipment: carton machinery, carton, paper tape, pulp, etc.; food and beverage processing machinery and products and accessories: food processing machinery, beverage machinery, food raw materials, chemical processing, marking machine, logistics equipment, food science and technology research and development, food packaging design.
Packaging materials: co-extruded composite, stretch blown film, foamed sheet, cardboard tube, aluminum foil aluminum, adhesive tape, hot melt adhesive processing machinery, plastic packaging materials, metal packaging materials, food packaging materials, pharmaceutical packaging materials, green packaging materials, etc.
Packaging containers: plastic packaging containers, metal packaging containers, glass packaging containers, green packaging technology, packaging anti-counterfeiting technology, packaging design, packaging technology, packaging publishing media, etc.
Packaging printing area: lithography press, flexographic press, letterpress press, gravure press, screen printing machine, prepress equipment, coating and laminating equipment, color measuring equipment, trademark printing machine, etc.

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