Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
PPPEXPO Tanzania 2017
Date: 22/08/2017 -  24/08/2017  (Finished)
Venue: Mlimani
Cycle: Annually
Location: Dar es Salaam  Tanzania
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The 20th PPPEXPO 2017 - International Trade Exhibition on Plastic, Printing & Packaging is the largest trade event held annually in Tanzania, concurrently held with East Africa Trade Exhibition (EAITE). The exhibition attracts exhibitors from more than 20 countries and visitors from all over East & Central Africa, thus giving exhibitors an excellent opportunity to explore several countries at one time.
Product Groups
Raw materials, polymers and resins, intermediates, blends and alloys, composite materials, chemical raw materials, color masterbatches, additives, colorants, fillers and reinforcers, processing machinery-extrusion / molding, processing equipment-printing / decoration / rewinding / composite / bag production, auxiliary equipment-surface treatment / clothes dryer / crusher scrap / mixer / conveyor belt and material loader, Test equipment / software solutions, recycling plants and auxiliaries, training institutions / publishers, moulds and dyes
Packaging automata / manual machines, molding filling and sealing machines, vertical and horizontal machines, packaging machines, food packaging machines, vacuum machines, suction machines, shrinking machines, stretching machines, bags, sealing and packing machines, filling, conveying, metering, labeling, coding, spray coding, gas Flushing, online thermoforming, aseptic packaging, packaging materials, flexibility / rigidity, plastic, paper, cardboard, metal, glass, Composite containers, films, foils, laminates, bags, weaving, Woven bags, fabrics, pipes, bottles, cans, buckets, boxes, boxes, cabinets, pallets, pallets, packing boxes, container bags, Leno, Raschel bags, tape, threads, pin machines
Prepress and electronic publishing equipment; printing press: letterpress, gravure press, sheet-fed offset press, web offset press, screen press, flexographic press, self-adhesive press.

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