Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 12/10/2017 -  14/10/2017  (Finished)
Venue: SMX Convention Center
Cycle: Annually
Location: Manila  Philippines
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
An industry pioneer, Global-Link is an events organizing and management company that has been in operations since the early 1990s. We have a comprehensive service line, an average of 25 annual trade event titles in our portfolio, and have won the coveted award for Best in Exhibition Management from Pico Global two years in a row. In 2015, the Pico Far East Board of Directors recognized the company as a top performer in the global group of organizers and was given the Award for Excellence.
Product Groups
Plastics, packaging machinery and equipment, materials and accessories, plastic bag manufacturing, blow molding machines, compressor mixing, coatings, extrusion, film blowing, grinding, heating, injection molding, marking, mold manufacturing, splint loading, resin and resin processing, waste processing; < br > accelerators, auxiliary equipment, crushers and mixers, dryers, temperature regulators and freezers; < br > labeling, packing, sealing, conveyer, unloader, packaging, dose control, trimming, hot foam, vacuum and gas filling machines, bag sealing machine, bar code system, mixer, bottling control system, can making machine, chemical products, cleaning system, coating machine, blowing, conveyor belt, corrugated box, cutting machine and plotter, dryer, electronic commerce, extruder, sorting and packaging, leakage testing machine, Bag blowing machines, food processing machines, grinders, grinders, automatic manipulators, heating machines, packaging machines and materials, stackers, plasticizers, plasticizers, weighing machines, plastic and rubber compounds, recovery equipment, resin and unsaturated polyester processing machines, sealing machines, tableware shrink packaging machines, thermomolding machines, thermoforming machines, vacuum forming machines, warehouse systems, weighing instruments.

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