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Complaint and Advice
Equiplast 2017
Date: 02/10/2017 -  06/10/2017  (Finished)
Venue: Gran Barcelona Exhibition Center
Cycle: Triennial
Location: Barcelona  Spain
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
Spain International Plastics and Rubber Exhibition (Equiplast) is the second largest plastic and rubber industry exhibition in Europe. It is held every three years and has a history of 55 years. Held at the same time as the Spanish International Chemical Exhibition and the European Surface treatment Exhibition. In 2014, the exhibition area reached 10304 square meters, with 734 exhibitors, mainly from Austria, Belgium, China, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy and the United States. Spain, located in southern Europe, is the fourth largest consumer country in Europe. After 1996, the Spanish economy has maintained an annual growth rate of about 3.4%. The 2014 Spanish Rubber and Plastics Show received a total of 37846 professional visitors from 60 countries, of which about 26.73% of the buyers and national delegations came from Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru and other Spanish-speaking and Portuguese-speaking countries in South America, Latin America and North Africa. Spain Rubber and Plastics Show will build an important bridge for you to enter emerging markets. At the same time, Europe is an important sales place for Chinese exports, and Spain is the southern gate for Chinese goods to enter Europe and an important trade gateway for southern Europe. According to EU regulations, once Chinese goods enter Spain, they enter the whole of Europe. Spain has historical, cultural and linguistic relations with Latin American countries and is adjacent to North African countries. The Barcelona Exhibition Center has sales representative offices in Germany, France, Britain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Lu, Italy, Brazil and other countries. Therefore, the exhibition held in the Barcelona Pavilion has a strong radiation capacity to the above places. The great inclusiveness of the Spanish market requires both the world's most high-end brand-name products and ordinary consumer goods. So that all kinds of Chinese goods have a better market.
Product Groups
Plastic machinery and equipment: injection molding machine, film blowing machine, plastic calender, hollow blow molding machine, plastic molding machine, plastic granulator, plastic extruder, plastic machine auxiliary machine, other plastic machinery, feeding regenerative crusher, film drawing machine, foaming equipment;
Rubber machinery and equipment: rubber cutting machine, rubber extruder, mixer, rubber granulator, rubber cutting machine, vulcanizing tank, rubber laminating machine, rubber molding machine, rubber setting machine, rubber joint machine, vulcanizing machine, desulfurization machine, bag making machine, rubber calender; rubber and plastic processing equipment and quality testing instruments;
all kinds of plastic products and plastic film; chemical raw materials, auxiliaries and auxiliary materials for rubber and plastic processing; Moulds and accessories for rubber and plastic processing; rubber and plastic products.

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