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Propak West Africa 2017
Date: 19/09/2017 -  21/09/2017  (Finished)
Cycle: Annually
Location: Lagos  Nigeria
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The West Africa Nigeria International Plastics Industry Exhibition will be held from September 19 to 21, 2017 at the Landmark Exhibition Center on Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria. During the exhibition, there will be opening ceremony, conference-related campaign activities, and four exhibitions of printing, packaging, labeling and food processing will be held at the same time, providing exhibitors with an ideal platform for displaying products and promoting enterprises. here they can exchange experiences, show the latest products, obtain information and technological developments, and it is also one of the indispensable ways to open up the West African market. The 2016 exhibition has 98 exhibitors from 19 countries, including China, France, Turkey, South Africa, Italy and Nigeria, with more than 2867 professional visitors. The 2017 exhibition area is expected to exceed 1600 square meters, unaffected by Ebola.
Product Groups
Plastic injection molding machine, automatic filling and sealing machine, plastic dryer, twin-screw extruder, plastic packaging machine, plastic braiding machine, plastic pipe production line, plastic mold and die, plastic powder feeder foaming / reaction or reinforced resin equipment, granulator automatic bottle blowing machine, hollow plate extruder special shape extruder injection molding machine, PET special extruding sheet machine, Rubber raw material casting film (sheet) machine packaging machinery printing machinery, blow molding and injection molding machinery, water chillers, processing equipment, extrusion equipment, processing aids, recovery equipment, various materials, etc.

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