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Complaint and Advice
Interplast & EuroMold Brasil 2018
Date: 16/08/2018 -  19/08/2018  (Finished)
Venue: Expoville Pavillions
Cycle: Biannual
Location: Santa Catarina  Brazil
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The International Rubber, Plastics and Mould Exhibition in Joinvelli, Brazil is jointly organized by Brazil Exhibition Co., Ltd. and DEMAT of Germany. The exhibition is held every two years at the Roinvelli Exhibition Center in Brazil. It is known as the most important exhibition of plastic products, mold products and processing technology in South America. It has excellent international influence. In 2014, it attracted more than 1000 enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions to participate in the exhibition, with an audience of 40000 people, a net exhibition area of 26000 square meters and a transaction value of US $2.5 billion. 95.5% of the exhibitors said that the effect is good and will continue to participate in the next exhibition, especially many Chinese exhibitors have already booked booths in 2016. The exhibition covers plastics and rubber industry machinery and equipment; plastics-related products, materials, raw materials and technologies; machinery and auxiliary equipment; plastic resins and additives; moulds and mold accessories; instruments and automatic equipment; products, technical services and raw materials in the fields of plastic manufacturing, marketing and end use. The 2016 Brazil International Rubber, Plastics and Mould Exhibition is looking forward to your visit.
Product Groups
1. Machinery and equipment of plastics and rubber industry; products, materials, raw materials and technologies related to plastics; 2. Machines and auxiliary equipment; 3. Plastic resins and additives; 4. Moulds and accessories; 5. Instruments and automatic equipment; 6. Products, technical services and raw materials in the fields of plastic manufacturing, marketing and terminal use.

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