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Complaint and Advice
Indplas 2018
Date: 30/11/2018 -  03/12/2018  (Finished)
Venue: Calcutta International Conference and Exhibition Center
Cycle: Triennial
Location: Calcutta  India
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
It is held by the Indian Plastics Federation (IPF) and the Plastics Foundation (PIF). INDPLAS'12 held 30000 sq.mts spaces and more than 275 exhibitors participated in 9 pavilions. 95% of the exhibitors said they were satisfied with the quality of the services provided by the organizers and were happy to participate with them and promised to participate in the Indplas'15 again. A large number of international exhibitors also participated in the exhibition. This exhibition is supported by AIPMA,CIPET,GSPMA,OPPI,PLEXCOUNCIL,AIFTMA,TAPMA. The index of industrial production, packaged by the Indian Institute of Technology and other major plastics association exhibitions generated by more than 50000 visitors has exceeded the estimated commercial contract of 10 billion rupees. Tourists from all over India and overseas attended the exhibition. The theme museum shows the use of plastics in various fields.
Product Groups
Raw Material , Polymers & Resins, Intermediates, Blends & Alloys Master batches, Additives , Fillers , Colourants , Speciality Chemicals and Printing Inks. Plastics Processing Machine Ancillary Equipment and Instrumentation. Printing and Packaging Finished Plastics products Mould & Dies Reprocessing Sectors Trade Promotion Bodies and Professional Associations. Plasticulture Trade Magazine Publishers

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