Zhangjiagang Huaming Machinery Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Zhangjiagang Huaming Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:
Address:Suzhou Yanxingtou,Jinfeng Town,Zhangjiagang City,Jiangsu Province,China
Main Products:PE Pipe Production Line, PPR Pipe Production Line, UPVC Pipe Production Line, Alumium-Plastic Compound Pipe Extrusion Line
Company Overview

Zhangjiagang Huaming Machinery Co.,Ltd. has more than 20 years experience designing and manufacturing plastic extrusion machinery. Our specialty is manufacture of PPR, PE, PVC, pipe extrusion lines and PP, PVC PS profile and sheet extrusion lines. Manufacturing customized products for our clients is one of our main goals. HUAMING has earned a marvelous reputation for its advanced technology and reliable quality. We offer the best possible extrusion solution without any compromise to quality, service or delivery among our customers, employees, and the company! HUAMING is your best friend and business partner forever.Our company motto is "Do Advanced Technology in China ". We are dedicated to technological research and development, total customer satisfaction and providing superior quality, high production, and profitable plastic extrusion machines. The result is a win-win-win situation shared by our customers, employees, and the company! More than just a business partner, with HUAMING you've got friends.

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