Suzhou Jiehe Industry Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Suzhou Jiehe Industry Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered:2010 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Suzhou, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:100
Address:Suzhou No. 1666, Fengyang Road, Weitang Town, Xiangcheng District
Main Products:rubber machinery,rubber injection machine, vulcanizing press, hydraulic press
Company Overview

Suzhou Jiehe Industry Co., Ltd is located at Xiangcheng District, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China and covers an area of 12000 square meters. Our company was founded by a group of professional engineer who is well experienced in rubber manufacturing machinery. To meet our customers' requirements, we have been adhering to design innovation, quality first and also provide custom made service. 

A good start comes from the high quality. Suzhou Jiehe attaches great importance to the details of the whole process of production and it aims to offering the highest quality to our customers. Our company specializes in producing rubber injection molding machine, vacuum hydraulic machine, plate rubber vulcanization machine, performing machine, framework oil seal machine, silicon cutting machine and so on. 

Our after-sale service network is always at your side and it also has service hotline to tackle with your complaint and feedback timely. We also supports technical service in terms of the problem results from the machine. We insist that our products are the best choice to the manufacturers who operate rubber electronic parts, auto parts, conductive rubber, seal type, sports equipment, medical equipment and various containers. 

We will constantly follow the policy of taking advanced innovation to promote development, brand strategy and fist class service. And we will try our best to satisfy our customers.

Injection Machine,Rubber Machine,Rubber Machinery,Silicone Molding Machine,Rubber Processing Machine,Silicone Processing Machine,Silicone Vulcanizing Machine,Injection Molding Machine,Rubber Hydraulic Press,Silicone Product Making Machine

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