Zhe jiang Synmot Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Zhe jiang Synmot Electrical Technology Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Ningbo No.118 Weiliu Road,Xiaogang, Beilun, Ningbo,P.R.China
Main Products:Servo motor,Servo driver
Company Overview

Zhe jiang Synmot  Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter Shengmai Electricity)is a subsidiary of China Chenglu Group, with a total planned  investment of 80 million USD,Synmot covers an area of 0.13 million centiare and the total construction area is 180000 meters,now is striving to build a Synmot servo industry zone. Synmot is dedicated to research and application of energy saving technology in machinery, is a professional manufacturer of servo motors, servo drivers and servo systems. The rate power of SM series servo motors is 0.2kw-100kw while the rated torque is 1 n.m-2500 n.m and the rated speed is 350 rpm-20000 rpm. The power of SM series drivers is 0.4 kw-100 kw, which can satisfy the requirement of precise motion control in different industries. SM series energy-saving systems have been widely used in 50 ton-3000 ton injection molding machine, die casting machine,hydraulic machine, textile machine, elevator, lifting, CNC machine tool, printing and packing, metallurgy and mines etc.

        Synmot has the national electrical professor as the chief engineer. The technical team is composed of Ph.D, masters, senior engineers with strong ability of innovation and engineering. It has more than 30 design patents, and has established cooperation wiht Zhejiang University in production, design and research. Synmot has laboratories for motors, motor drivers and energy-saving technologies, and can develop the specially customized servo system of automatic equipments, CNC machines and inspection devices.

        Synmot uses computerized management systems such as ERP, OA, PLM etc. The enterprise culture is being positive and cooperative and purshing excellence takes research as a guide, pays great attention to the product quality, so as to provide more environment-friendly, more precise and more stable products; to provide the professional solutions in electrical servo driver system.

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