Ningbo Haijing Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Ningbo Haijing Plastic Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Ningbo No.1289 Tanjialing West Road Yuyao, Ningbo, Zhejiang, P.R.China
Main Products:injection molding machines
Company Overview

With the rapid development of global economy, energy conservation and environmentalprotection, low carbon life has become a liability, and for all the unremitting efforts of the target.

Via many years research of HJ-S servo energy-saaving series products, throught more than five years of market test, praised by users, it has low noise, fast 
response speed, high precision of products and longer service lige, also the saving electricity rate reached 20%-80% of the outstanding performance, she was a revolution of traditional industries and she will make treat contribution for environmental protection industry of mankind!

HJ-S servo energy-saving series injection machine contain sixteen specification of horizontal type, clamping force is from 50T-1650T and shot weight from 45gy-10000gr, faithfully welcome all new and old customers to buy our quality machines!
Let customer ”Cost less and getting more” its out eternal goal, you will enjoy the diamond service from our per-sale, in-sale and after-sale service systeml.

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