Changzhou JWELL Extrusion Machinery Co.,ltd.
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Company Introduction
Changzhou JWELL Extrusion Machinery Co.,ltd.
Year Company Registered:1997 Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Changzhou, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:3000
Address:Changzhou Liyang City, Zhongguancun Province, Jiangsu science and Technology Industrial Park on the Road 118
Main Products:Profile machine,PIPE machine,Plate&sheet machine,Extruders,screw
Company Overview

Changzhou JWELL Machinery Co.,ltd is another development strategy center of Shanghai JWELL Machinery Co.,ltd, locating at Jiangsu zhongguancun technology industrial park, Liyang city, Jiangsu province, a high-tech manufacturer specializing in research and development of plastic extrusion equipment. The factory area is of 400 acres;We have a high qualified R&D and experienced mechanical and electrical engineer team as well as advanced processing foundation and normative assembly shop.Our enterprise spirit is "Attentive, Enduring, Quick and Orderly’ ,keeping on exploring of new extrusion field. Mostly welcome to new and old customers to visit us for investigation, guidance and cooperation. We are happy to offer powerful support.
Our customers are all over China, and we have customers in Russia, India, Korea, Indonesia, Middle East, South America,Spain, Italy and other countries and areas. Our machines are well accepted by our customers.


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