Nanjing Yongteng Chemical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Nanjing Yongteng Chemical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:
Address:Nanjing No.8 Shitao Road, Shiqiu Town, Lishui District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, PR China
Main Products:SHJ series synthetic twin screw extruder, SHJS series double order extruder pelletizing and SJ series single screw extruder pelletizing
Company Overview
Nanjing Yongteng Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd., is a company specialized in designing and producing co-directional blocking parallel twin-screw extrusion granulation equipment and accessories. We have developed new high torque, high speed, and high capacity SHJ series of co-directional twin-screw extrusion equipment, SHJS series of two-stage extrusion granulation equipment and SJ series of single extrusion equipment, which are based on the latest advance design and our available advantage of facilities. The machines are used widely in processes of evenly mixing, plasticity, pigmentation, filling, reinforcement and reclamation for macromolecular materials, such as plastic and rubber.     We are appreciated with advance equipment, experience and production power. We provide on      time after- sales service. We integrate the design, development, production, sales and after-sales      services to our clients.    Our products are sold in whole China and exported to countries and regions all over the world,    such as Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia, Iran, Singapore, Australia, Germany etc. Our      company slogan is “Credit by Quality, Market by Service”.    We are committed to provide you the best products with ever improving design, strict production      and quality control. Strong professional technical team provides you the perfect pre-sales and      post-   sales services.

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