Wenzhou Shangguo Mechanic Technology Co.,Ltd
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Company Introduction
Wenzhou Shangguo Mechanic Technology Co.,Ltd
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Wenzhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Wenzhou Huangyang village industrial park,Wanquan town,Pingyang country,Wenzhou,Zhejiang Province
Main Products:Paper knife fork and spoon cutlery automatic packing machine,paper napkin toothpick and plastic cutlery automatic packing machine,Single piee wet wipes automatic packing machine,Automatic heat shrinkable packer
Company Overview

Wenzhou shang guo machinery technology co., LTD., located in wenzhou, capital of machinery packaging, is a comprehensive packaging machine integrating machinery and machinery parts r&d, manufacturing and marketing. The company specializes in the production and development of disposable tableware automatic packaging machine, pillow packaging machine, wet towel machine, heat shrink packaging machine, cake paper holder and other products.

Company to service, efficiency, innovation as the enterprise objective, business people have not only transcend ourselves, the spirit of the efforts to improve themselves, more has a positive innovation, keep up with The Times the pace to create homag machinery business empire.

The people of shang are committed to the research and development of four-in-one tableware packaging machine, creating intelligent unmanned workshop, information Internet and digital management system

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