Qingdao Jianhua Package Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Qingdao Jianhua Package Machinery Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered:1999 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Qingdao, Shandong Total No. Employees:100
Address:Qingdao No. 2, Fenghai Road, Chengyang District, Qingdao, Shandong China
Main Products:block bottom valve bag making machine, lamination machine, seam bag making machine, printing machine, cutting and sewing machine
Company Overview

Founded in 1999, our company has rich experience in making PP-WOVEN bag making machinery, which includes block bottom valve bag making machine (both glue type and hot air type),lamination machine, seam bag making machine (tuber), printing machine, cutting and sewing machine, etc.

It takes only 1.5 hours to fly from Shanghai to Qingdao.

Our machines have been exported to South Africa, Eyypt, Brazil, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia,Vietnm,Russia, etc.

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