Shenzhen Derun Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Shenzhen Derun Machinery Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered:2005 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong Total No. Employees:100
Address:Shenzhen Baoan District Guanlan town dashuikeng Fu Road No. 257 Logistics Park building F Li Xun
Main Products:injection molding machine
Company Overview

Shenzhen Derun Machinery Co., Ltd is one of the most professional vertical injection molding machines in Asia. The company was established the most Zhong purpose is for customers to provide an integrated injection molding solutions, to the guests needs responsibility. So we have the following the production process; listen to demand, engineering research and development, product testing, delivery of guests (including training to the guest), long-term tracking service. Engineering research and development, major technical secondary school students as the backbone of the production technology team, and with the South China University of Technology, the new polymer National Research center. The use of Derun machinery has a long lasting innovation capacity, high technology content productivity, thus providing a range of high-tech, high precision, high speed vertical injection molding machine for injection molding industry. Such as BMC bakelite injection molding machine, liquid silicone rubber injection molding machine, anti-aircraft velocity injection molding machine (firing rate up to 600mmc), multicolor multi material injection molding machines, injection molding machine with automatic drawing, environmental protection and energy saving type injection molding machine and so on.


After years of hard work, Derun machinery, both in mechanical properties, quality, price, after-sales service has been the industry's love and recognition of the injection molding industry, which established a high reputation and brand trust in the industry. Derun will continue to be committed to research and innovation, enhance technical capabilities, to provide the industry with a more sophisticated injection molding solutions.

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