Huangyan Yuexiang Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Huangyan Yuexiang Machinery Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Taizhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Taizhou Zhuling Village, Beicheng Street, Huangyan Area, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
Main Products:Blow molding machine 、Bottle Cap Mould 、Injection Mould
Company Overview

Huangyan Yuexiang Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in the famous orange township, the kingdom of mould and birthplace of plastic products. We have twenty years of experience producing blow molding machine and many kinds of moulds. In the food packaging industry, our company has won numerous awards and the glorious title of advanced blowing machine equipment appointed manufacturer. We use various sophisticated precision equipment and CAD/CAM/CAE technology to produce the most functional designs, meanwhile maintaining our high quality standards.
Our company specializes in the manufacture of QJ series universal Hollow auto-blowing machines, QJ Hollow Blow Molding machines, and the QJ series of plastic mould. The type QJ series adopt famous components. They can work normally under 30kg of pressure, and high yield in the finished products. The day yield attains 20000-72000 bottles, being applicable to (PET) bottle of mineral water, beverage, oil, medicine and polycarbonate (PC), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) and other heat-resistant packing products. Our company manufactures various plastic molds for the production of automobile parts, household appliances, and daily necessities.
Our products are sold well all over China and in more than 80 countries globally from as far away as the US, Russia, the ASEAN countries, and South Africa. For our company, quality is the most important and credibility is the highest. We try our best to improve the quality of products and management level, aiming to make the most competitive products to meet the needs of our clients. We welcome the presence of each customer.

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