Ningbo Beston Mechanical Technology Co.,LTD
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Company Introduction
Ningbo Beston Mechanical Technology Co.,LTD
Year Company Registered:2008 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Ningbo, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:100
Address:Ningbo Zhongzhou Road, Wuxiang Industrial Park, Yingzhou District
Main Products:Injection molding machine
Company Overview

BESTON is proud to have built a global network of R&D teams, professional research workshops and modernized factories dedicated to the application of new technology to improve injection molding production.  With over 30 years’ experience in R&D of injection molding technology, our team of highly qualified senior technologists devotes to the development of novel techniques and manufacturing of specially designed injection molding machines, including high-speed injection molding, in-mold labeling, clear plastic injection molding, thick-wall injection molding, multi-action high-speed injection molding, high-speed closed-loop injection molding, servo motor closed-loop injection molding, gas-assist injection molding, stack molding, ceramic and magnetic plastic injection, etc. Our professional competencies are further enhanced by our constant innovation and development.  To continuously improve our technical capability is one of the reasons why BESTON can occupy a leading position in the industry.

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