Shanghai Longyu Plastic Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction
Shanghai Longyu Plastic Co., Ltd
Year Company Registered:1958 Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Shanghai, Shanghai Total No. Employees:50
Address:Shanghai No 4558 Nanfeng Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China
Main Products:Calendering line for PVC rigid sheet, soft film. Extrusion line for PET, PP PS sheet
Company Overview

Shanghai Longyu Plastic Co., Ltd is one of the most famous factory in China which is specialized in manufacturing plastic machine for more than 40 years. We have already export our line to Iran, Eypet,Vietnam, Thailand, Russia, Poland and so on. Every year, we manufacturing more than 20 lines. 

Our factory is located in the surburb of Shanghai, only 45min from Pudong airport.Welcome you to visit us.  

Main Products:
1,PVC super transparent soft film calendaring production line: no need to dust , non-stick, film surface is smooth and clear
2,PVC non flow mark rigid sheet calendaring production line: sheet surface is without flow mark, easy to blister and demould, can replace extruded sheet

3,PET multiple layer co-extruder rigid sheet production line: can recycle offcuts and crushed material of GAG and PETG

4,PP,PS,ABS Sheet/Panel Production Line

Main Products

the PVC calendering line in our factory(make PVC rigid sheet), also we have PET multi-layer co-extrusion line(make GAG/ABA PET sheet)
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