Qingda JaBetter New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Qingda JaBetter New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered:2009 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Qingdao, Shandong Total No. Employees:30
Address:Qingdao 51 Wuyang Rd, Qingdao,China
Main Products:PVC processing additives, foam agent, stabilizer, WPC pellets, PVC pellets, PVC processing additives, PE Wax Lubricant, AC blowing agent, NC blowing agent
Company Overview

Qingdao Jabetter New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional supplier of PVC processing additives, focusing especially on wood-plastic composite industries in product development and applications providing technical support for industrial clients.


Dedicated in servicing PVC/WPC field for more than 10 years, Jabetter has accumulated a profound experience in technology and product market applications. Now we are looking forward to assist all business partners in WPC profiling, LVT flooring, PVC siding, rigid sheet and various other PVC polymer application with its customized quality services and solutions.


Call for innovation in industries, regulatory updating and price fluctuation of raw materials requests further innovation and production optimization to meet these challenges. Over the years, enormous investments in research and development facilitates Jabetter's continuous endeavors to meet new requirements from our clients in product processing, application, environmental protection and sustainable development, and  many other aspects. We are readily prepared to be your most reliable partner with our competitive solutions and positive efforts.

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