Shantou Runyuan Machinery Factory
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Company Introduction
Shantou Runyuan Machinery Factory
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Shantou, Guangdong Total No. Employees:
Address:Shantou 5#, ChangQing Road, TuoPu, Shantou, GD
Main Products:plastic Mechanical equipment
Company Overview

Shantou Runyuan Machinery Factory is a factory specializing in plastic Mechanical equipment.It has more than 10 years of professional production experience, and owns a team of advanced technians.It owns a complete operating system with design, research & development, production, installation and service.


Based on many years' experience on manufacturing plastic machine and equipment, Runyuan’s employees have kept absorbing in the advanced technology and craftsmanship from both the foreign and the domestic, kept improving the quality and performance of its products. Our products receive a lot of supports and good comments from both foregin and domestic customers.


Our factory has persistently persisted in the business conceptions of “Sincere Management, Quality First, Keep Innovating, Keep Improviing”, which enables us to acquire the acknowledgements from all customers.


Customers’ acknowledgement and satisfaction is our ideal pursuit. We sincerely expect a close cooperation with new and old customers, Runyuan is willing to create a bright and brilliant future with you hand by hand.

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