Yangzhou Wanlida Roller Industry CO.,LTD
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Company Introduction
Yangzhou Wanlida Roller Industry CO.,LTD
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Yangzhou, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:
Address:Yangzhou No. 1 Xihe Road Huangpu Town Jinghe Town Baoying City Jiangsu province
Main Products:Arc Surface Steel Roller、Stainless Steel Separator Roller、Stainless Steel Fabric Guide Roller、Silica Bar Stretch Roller、Full-Width Roller、Convex Key Type Pneumatic Shaft、Tile Type Pneumatic Shaft、Vertical Adjust Seat
Company Overview
Yangzhou Wan Lida roller industry co., LTD. Is located in yangzhou city in northern China "charge of the township" baoying, the ancient canal bank, in the west of north with the beloved premier zhou hometown huaian adjacent to, the traffic artery in the east - the beijing-shanghai expressway, transportation, logistics, and communication is very convenient, is the ideal partner users. Our company produces rubber roll bending roller, bending roll (arc), gas rose axis, silica gel stretch roller, shaft, chrome-plated steel surface arc open width roller, wire roller, stainless steel guide roller and all kinds of printing and dyeing accessories. The company technical force is abundant, the craft is advanced, well-equipped. Make the products are widely used in packaging, printing, paper making, textile, printing and dyeing industries. The company follows the policy is: "People-oriented science and technology leading" is the source of our existence. "Brand the supreme excellence" is our goal; "The user supreme excellence" is our service concept; We believe that love spell will win "! The company all staff is willing to work with customers at home and abroad, new and old friends hand in hand cooperation, good faith, to create resplendence hand in hand, Shared prosperity and harvest joy......
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