Longkou Sunshine Machinery Co., LTD
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Company Introduction
Longkou Sunshine Machinery Co., LTD
Year Company Registered:2001 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Yantai, Shandong Total No. Employees:200
Address:Yantai Lvjie Street, High-tech industry park, Longkou City, Shandong Province, China
Main Products:XPS foam cornice extrusion line, XPS foam profile cornice, CO2 foam cornice, EVA foam profile extrusion machine, EPE foam fruit net machine, EPE foam tube/pipe/sheet extrusion machine
Company Overview

 Longkou Sunshine Machinery Co., Ltd. is located in High-Tech Industrial Park in Longkou City in Shandong Province. The company, founded in 2001, is specialized in the production of plastic foam extruders, with the registered capital of RMB 2 million, workshop area of 5200 square meters, and employees of over 80. The company mainly produces XPS Cornice production lines, EVA Foam Profile Extrusion Machine, PS Foam Machine, EPE Foam Machine etc.

The XPS Polystyrene Cornice Production Line developed and produced by our company could produced various shapes of XPS foam cornice.

The decorative cornice produced by XPS material have a smooth surface and the characteristic of deformation ,no moisture absorption,no crack ,lightweight ,easy installation and so on .It is a new kind of decorative material with the high quality and environmental .It could alternative the traditional cornice produced by cement ,gypsum,wood,PVC and EPS material .

Our company is currently the only domestic manufacturer which could master the technology well and have obtained the national patent technology 。

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