Wuxi Yuda Plastic Pipe Welding Machinery Factory
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Company Introduction
Wuxi Yuda Plastic Pipe Welding Machinery Factory
Year Company Registered:1998 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Wuxi, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:50
Address:Wuxi Youliancun Qianzhou Town, Huishan Disctrict, Wuxi City, Jiangsu
Main Products:Butt Fusion Welding Machine, PE fitting welding machine, PE pipe butt fusion machine
Company Overview

Wuxi Yuda Plastic Pipe Welding Machinery Factory located at Wuxi in Jiangsu.  Since established in 1995, is growing one of the largest welding manufacturer in China, Yuda is an enterprise not only devoted to plastic pipe welding technology and research, design, manufacture, sales, training and maintenance of plastic pipe welding equipment, providing the customers with full and best service, but also has rich experience in aluminum casting process,such as inserts, clamps, heating plate and trimmer which produced by ourselves.


Our product includes Field butt fusion welding machine, Full-Automatic Multi-angle fitting welding machine and Multi-angle cutting machine up to 2600mm, Saddle fusion machine, Arched surface cutter, butt welding machine with data logger and printer, Full-Automatic butt fusion machine,Drainage Welding Machine and Special assistant tools for PE and PP pipes construction etc.


Yuda has found success through constant improvement and by adapting to customer needs. We stand by the philosophy that a better product is better for everyone, including our planet.The guideline of yuda is that customers need is our pursuit, the product quality is the life of the enterprise, enterprise's aim is to be world-famous. Many years of growth enables our company to accumulate rich experience in technology development, We have set up good and wide business relationships with domestic and foreign scientific research organization, production factories, gas and running water companies, and professional construction companies.  Reliable technology and talented staff has laid a firm base ground for our company's fast  future development. In the year of 2003, our machine passed ISO9001 quality system certification, and passed CE certificates. It provides strong guarantee for the continuous quality up-grading of our products.


Our Enterprise will wholeheartedly welcome numerous customers at home and abroad to visit us for guidance and business discussion.



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