Guangzhou Huayan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Guangzhou Huayan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered:2002 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Guangzhou, Guangdong Total No. Employees:
Address:Guangzhou Zengcheng Technology&economy Development Zone,Guangzhou,China
Main Products:the leading suppliers in PET preform systems
Company Overview

Guangzhou Huayan Precision Machinery Co., Ltd., which was founded in 2002, locates in Guangzhou Zengcheng Technology&economy Development Zone, occupies a 38000㎡ modern workshop and owns about 460 employees. Huayan is one of the High-tech Enterprises of Guangdong province, and the leading suppliers in PET preform systems. Our production and sales rank the first in China.

Huayan Company, which manufactures injection molding machines, take-out robots and valve-gated hot-runner PET preform molds, is the second largest manufacturer in the world and the largest in China in PET injection molding industry. Having combined R&D, production, sales and service together, we are capable of designing and developing bottles and preforms. Our products have gained the ISO Quality System Certificate and CE Certificate. Meanwhile, and got more than 30 Utility model patents. Meanwhile, we are awarded the Top 10 Liquid Food Machinery Industry of China.

We believe in the principle that Success Originates From Innovation, Quality Molds Future, and we are absorbed in reinforcing R&D system, precision machinery, testing facilities, better service,etc.. Huayan keeps on growing, and becoming a well-known enterprise all over the world.

Huayan’s preform systems and molds have been adopted in fields like beverage, water, edible oil, food, detergent and medical packages in and out of China.

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