Shanghai Zhongda Wincome Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Shanghai Zhongda Wincome Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Shanghai, Shanghai Total No. Employees:
Address:Shanghai 12/F., Tower A, Zhongda Plaza, HangZhou, China
Main Products:PETG shrink film,PVC shrink film,PVC film blowing machine, film blowing machine
Company Overview

Zhongda Wincome has been producing PVC Shrink Film for sleeve label printing since the year of 1995, and has already been the main supplier of sleeve label materials in the Chinese market. 

From the start, we have dedicated ourselves to innovation, growth, and success. Today it is our vision to be the Number One blown film producer worldwide. To be recognized as a responsible leader in the development of shrink film field, Zhongda especially puts ahead our customers' requirements and the service to them. We believe that only the customer-first faith and advanced internal management could maintain our position and sustainability in this field. 

Zhongda exists as a company today because it has in some way served its customers in the past, and will continue to exist just as long as it provides a new dimension of service in the future. This new dimension of service is not only a state of mind; it is a springboard to action. With our dedicated product-development and customer-service teams, Zhongda provides Heat Shrink Films, PVC Blown Machines and Slitting Machines.

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