Tonva Plastics Machine Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Tonva Plastics Machine Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered:1993 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Taizhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:200
Address:Taizhou Bingang Industrial Zone, Shamen, Yuhuan, Taizhou City Zhejiang Province, P.R.China.
Main Products:blow molding machine,moulds,plastics containers and sprayers in China
Company Overview

TONVA Group was established at 1993. The company is one of the largest manufactures of blow molding machine,moulds,plastics containers and sprayers in China. The Group owns TONVA PLASTICS MACHINE,TONVA MOULDS and TONVA PLASTICS.

In the field of plastics machinery,Tonva is specialized in producing Blow Molding Machines、injection molding Machine and Moulds. Company has a group of experienced people who contribute more than twenty years in Blow Molding Machine industry and a team who good at after-sale service. The company has passed the ISO9001:2008 Internationl Quality Control System and the CE&SGS system. Based on fabulous reputation and favorable service, our products reach great sales both in domestic markel and more than 80 countries. We produce more than 400 sets machines each year, while being highly valued and trusted by our customers.

The company focus on innovation and invest in the advanced technology year after year. Based on different functions, TONVA Blow Molding Machine can be divided into Single Station、Double Station、Four Station series; Single Die、Multiple Die Series; Single Layer、Muliple layers series; Accumulator Head、Parison Control System series. The range of the capacity is from 3ml to 3000L. They are suitable for Various materials, such as PE、PP、PVC、PS、EVOH、EVA、PET etc. They are used to produce various kinds of plastic products, such as oil barrel、Sprayer barrel、cosmetics bottle、pharmaceuticals bottle、food package、plastic toys、Christmas ball、plastic experimental apparatus and auto-parts etc.

Companies business philosophy is "quality of survival, innovation and development, market-oriented, that service for the purpose". Company is willing to provide comprehensive and diversified services and hope to sincerely cooperate with all colleagues, create brilliant future

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