Zhejiang Jianda Machinery
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Company Introduction
Zhejiang Jianda Machinery
Year Company Registered:2009 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Wenzhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:10
Address:Wenzhou No 399 Gangkou Road, Ruian Economic Developing Zone
Main Products:Packaging Machine , Plastic Machine
Company Overview


ZheJiang BoZhou Machinery is a company specialized in laminating machine, Including designing, manufacturing, and selling. Located in a city with a long history--SHAOXING. 25 minutes away from Hangzhou Air Port, 2 hours away from Shanghai Pvt Air Port. Company’s address is in Paojiang industrial area of Shaoxing city, our factory covers an area of 35,000 square meters, construction area of 28,000 square meters. With a total investment of 120 million yuan.

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