Qingdao Heinosky Technology Co., Ltd
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Company Introduction
Qingdao Heinosky Technology Co., Ltd
Year Company Registered:2011 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Qingdao, Shandong Total No. Employees:
Address:Qingdao Qingdao producing soft container bags.for lanzhou east road
Main Products:EPS machinery, EPS insulation board, flame retardant coating agent for EPS, and other relative products.
Company Overview

     Qingdao Heinosky technology co. LTD., founded in 2011, located in the beautiful coastal city Qingdao, Our products mainly covers EPS machinery, EPS insulation board, flame retardant coating agent for EPS, and other relative products. Our company's main hot products- thermosetting EPS (insulation board) production line is the highest technology maturity and stability among the domestic and abroad enterprises. We can supply the full set solution for external wall fireproof EPS insulation system production. We can supply a package service of product and technology, to avoid the buck-passing situation because of equipment, process and flame retardant formula does not match, thus solve the problem promptly and efficiently.20150126082929886.jpg

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