CNCEN Refrigeration Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd
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Company Introduction
CNCEN Refrigeration Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Wenzhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Wenzhou  No.63, Huanyi South Road,Longwan District,Wenzhou, China
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Company Overview

CNCEN Refrigeration Equipment Manufacture Co.,Ltd is specialized in designing and manufacturing industrial refrigeration equipment such as :  air cooled chiller, water cooled chiller, screw style chiller, laser chiller, blown film cooler, ice block machine, drinking water chiller & cooling towers etc.Which is widely used in  plastic machinery, electroplating,ultrasonic cooling,pharmacy,chemical engineering, nonwoven equipment,PU shoe-making machine,laser, printing and food etc

As the top outstanding supplier for industrial process cooling in the worldwide, we introduce the advanced oversea technology and management, obtained ISO9001:2008 and CE certificates. We serve the global clients with advanced quality management system in strictly control of design, production, inspection and after-service process. Currently, the products of CNCEN have occupied most of domestic market, and keep a strong development and stable improvement in the market of European, American, Asia, and Middle East..

CNCEN always devote to focusing on customer-oriented research to update and upgrade the new products and existing products technology. CNCEN would like to go forward hand in hand with clients all over the world for prosperous future. 

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