Taizhou Huangyan Minpin Mould Co.Ltd
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Company Introduction
Taizhou Huangyan Minpin Mould Co.Ltd
Year Company Registered: Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Taizhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:
Address:Taizhou West Industrial Zone,Huangyan,Taizhou City,Zhejiang Province,China
Main Products: Thin-wall mould
Company Overview

Taizhou Huangyan Minpin Mould Co.Ltd is located in the “Hometown of Chinese Moulds”.It is a private joint-stock enterprise.The company produces all kinds of plastic injection moulds,like home appliances,crates,chairs,pipe fittings and so on.Especially for thin-wall moulds.
Minpin has advanced mould producing equipments,like cnc machines,nc engraving machines,edm,wire cutting machines,etc.We have a youngish and vibrant working team with the capability of parts reverse-design,mould design and manufacturing.

Humanist,superiority supplementary,capable & effectiveness,good faith & practical is our company’s conception.Based on the Huangyan mould-town’s region characteristic and combine our efforts and experience in mould design and manufacturing,it is reasonable to believe that we will reach our goal to satisfy customers with good quality and unceasingly development.

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