Jiangsu Cenmen Equipment Corp.,ltd
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Company Introduction
Jiangsu Cenmen Equipment Corp.,ltd
Year Company Registered:1999 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Nanjing, Jiangsu Total No. Employees:240
Address:Nanjing No.10 Julong road, New & high technology development zone, Nanjing
Main Products:Twin screw extruder, two stage extruder, reciprocating kneader, continuous mixer
Company Overview

Cenmen company was founded in 1999, a private enterprise and professional manufacturers of complete extrusion equipment.  Cenmen has 235 employees, more than 30% engineering and technical personnel. Company has exported to more than 40 countries

Total building area is 46500 m2 ,is the largest twin screw extruder production base in China.  

●The only high & new technology enterprise in twin screw extruder industry

● Company has China synthetic twin-screw technology founding teams and valuable experience in more than 30 years to develop innovative

● With the domestic industry's largest geared to the needs of the new material technology, new technology and equipment and engineering application of experimental research and development center

● The company has the domestic industry leading platform for the modern manufacturing technology

● In the field of polymer compounding equipment, have co-rotating twin-screw, reciprocating kneader and double rotor continuous mixer, can provide customers with more broad and optimization choice

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