HEBEI RUIHANG Plastics Machinery Co.,Ltd.
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Company Introduction
HEBEI RUIHANG Plastics Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Year Company Registered:1998 Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Xingtai, Hebei Total No. Employees:60
Address:Xingtai Hebei
Main Products:Film blowing machine , Bag making machine,
Company Overview

Hebei Rui Hang Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd.

  Hebei Ningjin Rui Hang Plastics Machinery Co., Ltd. is specialized in research

  and production of various kinds of plastic-packing instruments. Over 20 years’ involvement in the field, the company has always been committing itself to quality, credit, and service. The company now boasts a series of products with the brand name of Rui Hang, characterized by low maintenance rate, long service life, low energy-consuming, strong power, high efficiency, and low noise. Furthermore, professional technicians and diligent staff, advanced foreign and domestic equipment, and scientific quality-management and technical service, have all contributed to the customers’ faith in the company, and the products’ popularity at home and abroad.

  We undertake to conduct sincere cooperation with every customer, old and new, for mutual development. We hold the conviction that your need directs our deed.


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