Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
The NEC, Birmingham, U.K
Date: 26/09/2017 -  28/09/2017  (Finished)
Venue: The NEC, Birmingham, U.K.
Cycle: Triennial
Location: Birmingham  United Kingdom
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
Birmingham Plastics and Rubber Fair is the largest plastic industry exhibition in the UK and the only trade exhibition covering the production technology, production technology and various services of the plastics industry.
The exhibition is hosted by the British Express News Group ((Rapid News Communications Group)). The last exhibition was a great success and well received, and it was regarded by exhibitors and purchasing goodwill as an event that should not be missed by the rubber and plastic industry. In the three-day exhibition in 2014, the exhibitors were very busy. More than 300 exhibitors representing the world's top level signed orders on the spot and achieved fruitful results. According to a survey of exhibitors at the exhibition, 91% of the exhibitors said that the exhibition helped the company achieve its business goals very effectively and efficiently, 89% of the exhibitors said that the buyers of the exhibition were of high quality, and 59% of the exhibitors said they would continue to participate in the exhibition in 2017. Now many companies have confirmed to participate in the exhibition again. As for purchasers, 74% of the participating buyers have the decision-making power; 80% of the buyers think that the quality of the exhibitors is very high and have completed the procurement plan; 73% of the purchasers believe that they have been exposed to new technologies that they have never been exposed to before on Interplas and have met many high-quality new suppliers at the same time. 82 per cent of buyers spoke highly of the procurement experience of the exhibition and said they would visit the exhibition again in 2017; 54 per cent of buyers had a procurement budget of more than £100,000 and another 19 per cent had a purchase budget of more than £1 million. In 2017, the exhibition area is expected to exceed 8000 square meters, the number of exhibitors is expected to exceed 500, and the number of buyers will exceed 12000. Interplas has become the largest and best exhibition in the plastics industry in recent years. All the well-known enterprises and brands in the industry have also appeared on the stage: ENGEL, HITECH AUTOMATION LTD, SUMMIT SYSTEMS, FERROMATIK & MILACRON EXTRUSION, SANDRETTO, ISOCOOL, MOTAN COLORTRONIC LTD, BOY LTD, PIOVAN, NEGRI BOSSI, WITTMANN BATTENFELD and so on. In order to attract more professional audiences from related industries and surrounding industries, 2017 Inter Plas will be held at the same time with 3D printing and manufacturing technology exhibition and conference (TCT Show + Personalize); sensor and instrument exhibition (Sensing & Instrumentation); MEMS Exhibition (Micro Nano Mems); processing and packaging machinery exhibition (PPMA)). Each purchaser can visit all the exhibitions with only one entry permit, so that all related industries can achieve seamless docking between these exhibitions.
Product Groups
Plastic and rubber machinery and equipment
Molding machine, auxiliary equipment
Plastic and rubber processing
Welding technology equipment, mould
Raw materials and paints
Plastic additives and auxiliaries

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