Taizhou Bona Mould Co.,Ltd
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Company Introduction
Taizhou Bona Mould Co.,Ltd
Year Company Registered:2013 Business Type:Manufacturer Credit:
Country:China Location: Taizhou, Zhejiang Total No. Employees:200
Address:Taizhou No.88 Guangxing Road,North Industrial Zone,Huangyan,Zhejiang,China
Main Products:Chair mould,Table mould,Stool mould,Bucket mould,Basket mould,Dustbin mould,Basin mould,Crate mould,Baby chair mould,Flowerpot mould,Cabinet mould,Rack mould and so on
Company Overview

Taizhou Bona Mould Co.,Ltd.are located in the beautiful town of Orange - Huangyan District,

since its inception 10 years beginning mainly in the production of daily necessities mainly die.

There mould styling department, production department, quality control department,

technology department formed a group of skilled, high-quality team, strict management and

advanced equipment, Bona mould to give customers the best service and quality assurance.

Die sets monthly sales in 90-100, mainly chair mould, table mould, bucket mould, basket mould,

dustbin mould, storage box mould, baby bathtub mould, flowerpot mould, crate mould, basin mould,drawer mould, stool mould, basket mould production-based, and are mainly exported to Europe, North America, Russia, Asia and North Africa.

Ringing "quality first, customers first, reasonable price, honest and reliable.Due to the high quality

and good after-sales service, Bona mould has many customers to establish a good long-term cooperation. 

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