Mitex Automation Machinery Co., Ltd.
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Company Introduction
Mitex Automation Machinery Co., Ltd.
Year Company Registered:2007 Business Type:Manufacturer
Country:China Location: Dongguan, Guangdong Total No. Employees:50
Address:Dongguan D7, B zone, Huatai Sciene&Technology Park, Dalong Village, Xiegang Town
Main Products:Mold temperature controller, industrial chiller, hopper dryer, auto loader, dehumidifier, plastic crusher and mixer etc.
Company Overview

Mitex Automation Machinery Co.,Ltd is a national-level High-Tech enterprise that established in July, 2007. Also a plastic machinery manufacturer specializes in R&D, production and sales to the customer for plant project, design modern industry 4.0 resolution.

The main products include: Centralized Feeding System, Dehumidifying and Drying System, Automatic Metering and Mixing System, Crushing and Recovery System, Mold Temperature Control System and Automatic solution etc.

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