Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 02/07/2021 -  05/07/2021  (Finished)
Venue: Bangalore International Exhibition Centre
Cycle: Triennial
Location: Bangalore  India
Location Time: (UTC +5:30)
Fair Organizer
Triune Exhibitors Pvt Ltd.
+91-80 43307474 / +91 80 22352770 - 71
+91 80 22352772
#25, 3rd Floor, 8th Main Road, Vasanthnagar, Bangalore - 560 052. INDIA
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
7th PLASTASIA-2020 in its seventh edition will showcase the latest technology and machineries used in manufacturing of plastics and petrochemicals with participation from different parts of the world. This event will be an excellent platform for exhibitors to publicise and display their products, innovation and services, build brand image and develop leadership in market position in the global areas. It will be an ideal stage for those who are interested to explore and acknowledge the most recent technologies and trends of the relevant market as well as exhibit a vast range of products and services related to the PLASTIC INDUSTRY.
Product Groups
Raw-material/Services, Machinery&Automation, Mould&Dies, Emerging Technology,Packaging&Finished Goods, Recycling&Green Solutions

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