Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 09/01/2020 -  12/01/2020  (Finished)
Venue: Egypt International Exhibition Centre
Cycle: Biannual
Location: Cairo  Egypt
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
DMG Global Energy & ACG-ITF
+971 4 248 3203
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
PLASTEX is the leading international trade fair dedicated to the plastics and rubber machinery, components, raw materials and chemicals in Africa. The fair presents products and services, technologies and innovations, trends and tendencies for trade markets. It is an international meeting-place for worldwide suppliers and regional manufacturers. The show is co-organized by ACG-ITF and DMG Global Energy and will take place at Egypt International Exhibition Centre- Mosheer Axis- New Cairo, the most modern venue in the Middle East during the period from 9 – 12 January, 2020. PLASTEX comprises a vast range of all constituents of the plastics industry and connects buyers from Egypt, North and Eastern Africa and Levant regions with leading manufacturers and distributors of plastics including raw materials, components, machinery and technologies, semi-finished and end products. PLASTEX is an activity hub where more than 500 suppliers and manufacturers convene to exhibit their products and services to over 16,000 leading decision makers from Egypt and regional countries such as Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Tanzania, Libya, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Cyprus, Turkey and many more. PLASTEX 2020 is a lucrative basis for business as it offers exhibitors a variety of advantages enabling them to: Conclude sales and distribution agreements. Meet new partners and potential buyers. Keep ahead of competitors. Network with peers during the day and at the evening social functions. Listen to experts on the up-to-date issues affecting the industry. Learn ways to become more efficient and profitable.
Product Groups
Machinery & Equipment for the Plastics & Rubber Industries – Raw Materials, auxiliaries – Composites- Semi- finished Products – Technical Parts – Reinforced Plastics – Services for the Plastics Industries & Rubber Industries

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