Post Buying Request
Complaint and Advice
Date: 24/11/2020 -  27/11/2020  (Finished)
Venue: IEC - International Exhibition Center
Cycle: Annually
Location: Kyiv  Ukraine
Location Time: (UTC +2:00)
Fair Organizer
International Exhibition Centre
+38 (0)44 2011161
+38 (0)44 2011157
15, Brovarsky Ave 02002 Kiev, Ukraine
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The industrial fair Plast Expo UA takes place in Kiev every year. This international fair for plastics technology is the only trade fair in Ukraine which unites experts in the field of plastics and rubber processing. From raw material production and creation of new domestic equipment models to automation of technological processes everything is on display. At the fair, everything that deserves attention will be presented in real time. In the period of Ukraine's market adjustment to the current requirements, corresponding paths in the production, partial modernization or entire upgrade of work flows, product and production diversity are shown. The fair also provides the platform for establishing business, economic and trade relations between domestic companies and countries from near and far abroad. Special attention is paid to the plastics processing of polyurethane rubber and equipment for the production of polyurethane plastic products.
On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 3 days of the fair, from 03. April to 05. April 2018, about 120 exhibitors and 4000 visitors on the PLAST EXPO UA in Kiev.
The PLAST EXPO UA will take place on 4 days from Tuesday, 31. March to Friday, 03. April 2020 in Kiev.
Product Groups
extrusion lines, injection moulding machines, machinery for packaging production, machinery for plastic containers, machines for processing of plastic foam, machines for processing of thermosetting plastic, marking machines for packaging, plastic waste processing equipment, plastics processing equipment, plastics processing technologies, plastics production equipment, plastics production technologies, printing machines for packaging, rubber processing equipment, rubber processing technologies, rubber production equipment, rubber production technologies, thermoforming machines, welding equipment, …

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