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Complaint and Advice
Bondexpo 2021
Date: 05/10/2021 -  08/10/2021  (Finished)
Venue: Messe Stuttgart
Cycle: Annually
Location: Stuttgart  Germany
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG
+49 (0)7025 92060
Fax: +49 (0)7025 9206880
Gustav-Werner-Straße 6 72636 Frickenhausen, Germany
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The Bondexpo is an international trade fair for bonding technologies, which takes placein Stuttgart. The show has established itself as a global industry and users meeting point since its foundation in 2007. It represents the entire process chain of assembling and joining by bonding, potting, sealing and foaming and offers solutions for practical applications and future challenges facing the industry. Especially the use of new adhesives becomes increasingly important in the field of light framing, which extends not only to the area of vehicles but also to appliances and equipment. In addition, the Bondexpo acts as a link between research and development and application and usage. It shows new future paths in the areas of adhesives, insulation, foaming, sealing and encapsulation, which are presented in the technical context of production by the combination of Bondexpo with Motek, the world's leading trade fair for automation in production and assembly. Precisely adhesive, potting, sealing and foaming are essential components of a highly automated processing in handling and robotic systems. The exhibition is accompanied by an exhibitor forum in which experts address current topics and products of bonding technology to visitors and exhibitors during presentations. Thus, the Bondexpo has established itself as information and knowledge platform, making it an essential event in the industry.
On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 4 days of the fair, from 09. Oktober to 12. Oktober 2017, about 80 exhibitors from 13 countries and 38421 visitors on the Bondexpo in Stuttgart.
The Bondexpo takes place for the 14th time on 4 days from Mon., 05.10.2020 to Thur., 08.10.2020 in Stuttgart.
Product Groups
adhesive technology, adhesives, application equipment, casting materials, composite materials, encapsulation technologies, foaming, insulation technology, joining techniques, measurement technology, metering devices, network technology, raw materials, sealants, sealing technology, testing technology, …

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