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Complaint and Advice
Fakuma 2021
Date: 12/10/2021 -  16/10/2021  (Finished)
Venue: Messe Friedrichshafen
Cycle: Biannual
Location: Stuttgart  Germany
Location Time: (UTC +1:00)
Fair Organizer
P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG
+49 (0)7025 92060
Fax: +49 (0)7025 9206880
Gustav-Werner-Straße 6 72636 Frickenhausen, Germany
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
The Fakuma is one of the leading trade fairs in the field of plastics processing, which takes place every two years in Friedrichshafen, that provides an ideal event base with its location in the border triangle Switzerland, Austria, Germany. As a meeting place of the industry, the Fakuma has established itself internationally and provides an overview of the entire plastics technology, whether injection molding, extrusion or thermoforming. Here any visitor can receive specific information on all plastics editing and processing relevant processes, machines and tools. Always is the practice in focus when the exhibitors present the complete process chain for the economic manufacturing of plastics parts. In general, this fair is characterized by a wide range of processing equipment and related peripherals. Due to the increasing integration of the plastics manufacturing in the production processes, a key issue is placed on automation facilities, which are leading together with handling and assembly systems to flexible production systems. In general, the Fakuma has a very high level and shows wealth of expertise. It provides experts with outstanding contacts and information and will be complemented by forums, workshops and special shows.
On the whole the organisers welcomed on the 5 days of the fair, from 17. Oktober to 21. Oktober 2017, about 1889 exhibitors from 38 countries and 48375 visitors from 128 countries on the Fakuma in Friedrichshafen.
Already for the twenty-seventh time the Fakuma takes place on 5 days from Tue., 13.10.2020 to Sat., 17.10.2020 in Friedrichshafen.
Product Groups
automation solutions, blow molding machines, C-technologies, excipients, extrusion plants, finishing machines, injection molding, injection molding machines, intermediate goods, materials, molding machines, plastic processing machines, plastics, presses, processing machines, recycling, thermal shaping technology, tool systems, tools, welding machines, …

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