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Home > Trade Shows  >  KOPLAS
Date: 14/03/2023 -  18/03/2023  (Finished)
Venue: Daehwa-dong Ilsan-seogu Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
Cycle: Biannual
Location: Seoul  Korea
Location Time:
Fair Organizer
Korea E & Ex Inc. Korea Plastics Processing Machine Industry Cooperative
KINTEX Exhibition Center 1 (Hall 4, 5), Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
Exhibition Details
Fair Introdution
KINTEX is located in Seoul, Korea. It was officially opened to the public on April 29, 2005. The exhibition area of the center is 53,975 square meters with a total of five exhibition halls, which is the largest exhibition center in Korea. The facilities include: 53,541 square meters of indoor exhibition area, including 54,508 square meters of exhibition center. The outdoor exhibition area is 2849m square meters, including 68000m square meters of the exhibition center. Event Hall: The Grand Ballroom can accommodate 6,000 seats and 26 meeting rooms.
Product Groups
Rubber and plastic machinery: injection molding machine, hollow molding machine, extruder, film blowing machine, casting equipment, knitting machine, rubber machine, mixing equipment, calendering equipment, etc Auxiliary machine: plastic auxiliary machinery, manipulator, plastic rubber recycling equipment, testing equipment, post-processing equipment, instruments and meters Raw materials: plastic rubber raw materials, auxiliaries and semi-finished products, ink, particles, adhesives, etc Packaging and printing equipment: plastic packaging equipment, plastic printing equipment, flexible packaging processing equipment, etc. Mold: all kinds of plastic supporting processing mold, tire mold, spare parts and other production equipment

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